Saturday, October 18, 2014

OctoBearfest on line show

A very short blog as I am extremely behind with my orders.

The OctoBearfest on line show is now open with a wonderful selection of bears from artists around the world.  I actually managed to complete my bears in record time and the site was all complete and ready for viewing way ahead of time.  When that happens I have a tendency to wonder what I have forgotten!

Just a few pictures to share of some of the bears available on the show.  This is Bridgette, one of my handful of bears.  She is made from the very last piece of curly vintage rayon and wearing a tea dyed dress with embroidered rosebuds.  The exquisite vintage lace around the hem is a piece I discovered in our stash.  Every now and again I have a 'must tidy up' moment and get all the odds and ends of lace and carefully wind them around a card.  As I sometimes wind several small pieces together this wonderful lace was rather hidden.
I also made a second little brown rabbit, this time wearing a polka dot dress with tiny polymer clay sheep button trim.
This is a selection of my handfuls made for the Hugglets show,  all of them now adopted and living in various parts of the world.  I do wish I could travel as easily as they do!

Blanche, Belinda & Becky

Back to work on orders,  should remember to not to make limited editions with knitted clothing.   I also have to catch up with my 'pay it forward' items to send before the end of the year.   

1 comment:

Cathyraggedy said...

they are so beautiful creations i'm sure you have the succès .big hugs


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