Friday, January 7, 2011

A boy bear at last.................

I took lots of pictures of the little boy Dicken today, unfortunately I am not happy with any of them so tomorrow will have to repeat the process. Taking photographs at this time of the year is quite difficult as the light is so poor. Dicken has a companion piece, a tiny rabbit with floppy ears and a wobble jointed neck. Possibly as I was rushing to do the photography after a stint of major housework the results were not what I had hoped.  A head and shoulders will have to do until tomorrow.
To end on a lighter note I was feeling hot and bothered after all the cleaning so decided that a mid day shower would be a good idea, also might help my aching back. All alone in the house I just partially closed the bathroom door, had a nice steamy shower and then the upstairs fire alarm went off. Staggered dripping along the hallway and started waving a towel in the general direction of the alarm to disperse the steam. All well and good but holding a towel around my body with one hand, waving another towel and trying to keep the towel on my wet hair did just not work too well, eventually knocked the cover off the alarm but at least it stopped whining. By this time I was freezing cold, standing in a pool of water and not very happy. Not a pretty picture I am sure, thank goodness the neighbours cannot see through the frosted glass window on the landing! Had to see the humorous side of the story when some hours later I shared the drama with my family who thought it hysterically funny! I did manage to put the cover back on the fire alarm, just hope it is still working.

Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it. ~Author Unknown

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