There are several reasons for this mainly that I just have not managed to find the time. I started a blog as a kind of journal to record our big move to Europe adding photographs of some of the amazing places I have been privileged to visit and of course share some of my bear creations. It has grown beyond my 'imaginings' and has helped me to keep in touch with special friends that I had to leave behind as well as given me the opportunity to make new friends around the world. This is my 'award', the many comments, kind words and sharing that I have experienced. I have had the privilege of reading fellow blogger's jottings, sharing joy, tears and laughter. I have therefore added an 'award free blog' button which I hope will not offend any of you, please continue to leave comments when you visit if you have time, I so appreciate reading them.
Several weeks of continual stitching has produced a number of 'naked' bears. Here is the 'tribe' all stitched and waiting for inspiration. It is easy to sit and stitch bears but the clothing and accessories makes them special so I will be raiding the lace, fabrics, buttons etc to try and get the creative juices flowing as I have a bevy of anxious little faces looking at me. It is not my usual way of working, I usually complete one bear at a time. For some reason I have started the year off somewhat differently!
Hope to have some dressed bear pictures to share soon....................
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~ Melody Beattie
The "tribe" looks ADORABLE! You have been busy. I absolutely understand putting an Award Free button on your blog--I think I may consider using one, too.
Oh Wendy, those little faces!!! Be still my heart.
Pat xx
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