Thursday, November 18, 2010

Holiday Bear Show and other things...................

The Holiday Bear Show starts on Saturday and all our bears are now complete and waiting to be adopted. Really did not think we would make it in time! 
This is one of my bears, Natalie, pictured as a 'naked' bear in the preview. I have been busy working on the web page for the show, just have to add paypal buttons and it is all set. The show begins at 9am New York time on 20 November. There are some amazing bears from around the world featured in the preview, hope you will pay the show a visit.
I have been very good and worked around the clock over the past few weeks. I now have a selection of bears all ready and waiting to be decorated. Over the years we have acquired a large collection of beautiful vintage lace, fabrics and trims. I am inclined to sort through my boxes  and think I really cannot cut that up it is so beautiful and took so many hours to make etc etc. I have now decided that it is time to use up some of the collection.  Josephine is my latest e-bay listing I had fun dressing this little girl in a selection of lace, beads and flowers. 
This is a picture of some of the items we found at the charity shop in north London. Things to be used for bears (with the exception of the Buddha of course). The purple handkerchief has the most beautiful hand made lace trim, Megan is always looking for little boxes and the cup is just perfect for a bear.
I have also spent a lot of time hunting through boxes in the freezing cold garage. Looking for the small fan heater that we seldom used in Cape Town but really need now and a small suitcase of baby clothes. Did find the old family clock but the other items are still missing. The baby clothes are all the special items which I kept from my own children and now that I am to be a granny, thought some of them could be used by the new baby. This does mean now unpacking all sorts of boxes to find out what the packers decided to put at the bottom. Time for a serious clean out of items of furniture and things which we are no longer using. This of course all takes precious time and I need to be working but I will try and do a little each day and hopefully get it done soon.

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.  Now put the foundations under them.  ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854


Tina said...

They are so cute Wendy. I can´t believe all the details on the clothes. Wish I could too - sign...
Wishing you a great show on saturday :D
Hugs, Tina

Milly Me® said...

Oh your little ones are fabulous and their outfits are really to die for. You did a great job Wendy. I'm sure they will find new homes. I wish you and Megan Best Of Luck!!!
Hugs, Thea

Tatkis said...

Beautiful, romantic bear-girls!

Best wishes,


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