Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And now orders to complete................

Hugglets Festival is old news and so back to work on long overdue orders. Arrived at Kensington rather early but managed to find a parking in the street right outside the venue so we were able to wait until the hall opened then unload. 
A reasonable show but attendance was down and I noticed a lot of people wearing red badges (stall holders) wandering around early in the afternoon, a sure sign that sales were slow! Good to see lots of old friends and collectors and catch up on news.
Some pictures of our table ...............

We have some new fabrics to play with and ideas for other creatures to add to our creations. The ideas are flowing just need more time. Always admire those ladies who update their blog on a very regular basis, produce wonderful hand made items and even work full time. Wish I could manage to do more in a day! I have been reading a lot of books lately, a mixture of fiction and non-fiction, perhaps spending too much of my creative time. However, I love books and do find that reading takes my mind off everyday problems. 
There is a definite feel of autumn in the air and the horse chestnut trees are a gorgeous shade of russet. Our little vegetable garden has proved a great success with lettuce, spinach and lots of runner beans. I am picking so many tomatoes, think I will have to pickle the excess! 
The garden will need tidying up soon, all the rather faded plants to be removed as well as the weeds! 
On the kitty scene, Merlin is at last showing some progress and improvement but the flea problem is ever present and needs constant attention. Cold winter weather will not improve the situation in the house as the heating will mean that the pesky creatures will still be around.
Found a new charity shop this week in one of the back streets in Huntingdon. The vintage sewing items are very expensive but I did find a small bag containing beads, some pieces of ribbon and the best find of all, a large number of vintage flower stamens. I also found a lovely brand new pair of blue shoes in my size!
This week has already been quite hectic with Mervyn having a series of follow up hospital appointments. Good news is that the bone infection has improved considerably and should not present any further problems. So for the moment our visits will only be for his monthly eye tests.  Having spent so much time in hospitals over the past few months this is a big relief.
So back to work, hopefully work in progress pictures soon...........

I frequently-regularly-often trip while reaching for my high ideals.  Then I giggle, or cry, and get back up.  ~Erika Harris

1 comment:

Mireille Begijn said...

Goodmorning Wendy,
I just found your note this morning !
I admire your work for a long time :-)
Have a nice weekend,warm regards from Belgium.

Bear hugs


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