Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A close encounter of the French kind and other things...............

I have updated the webpage with all the bears for the upcoming show and I have packed my bears in a box ready for the marathon trip to London. It will take almost as long to take the train from Pontivy to London as it takes to fly from Cape Town!
My close encounter was a maniac French driver last weekend who nearly caused a major pile up. Mervyn calmly sitting next to me said 'this car brakes well!!!!" Having just this past week read that France no longer had the worst drivers in the world (this honour has been given to Russia, Poland and Slovenia) I really wonder.
Now that summer has arrived we have a plague of flies. Tiny fruit flies, enormous furry green buzzing things and just flies. All of which I hate and I spend my life with the fly swatter on a killing spree. Must be all the animals around here that encourage the things but I do not like them. With spiders, ants and flies it should make me feel at home!!!
The baby birds have left their nesting box which is now vacant and most probably needs cleaning out ready for the next lot of babies. I discovered that there was a second nesting box in a tree in the back of the garden also with residents but now unoccupied. It is now rather silent without screaming baby birds but the magpies and pigeons make up for it. Found a tiny nest on the grass under a tree, so beautifully made with bits of grass and fluffy plants. What really intrigued me was that the bottom of the nest consisted of a layer of chamomile flowers.
The cherries are setting on the tree but I think that the birds will get most of them as both trees are quite enormous and most of the fruit is at the top, pity had envisaged bottled cherries and cherry pie! We have started using the lettuce from our little vegetable garden, 'tho we have a constant battle with snails and slugs. As we don't like to use sprays will just have to share. Bought a Basil plant and within two days it was just a stalk as the snails seem to really like it! I have planted begonia bulbs as well some bright red nasturtium seeds. Need to keep some colour in the front garden and they are all starting to grow.
Well tomorrow must pack my bag for my forthcoming trip, so no blog update until next week maybe with some pics of Stratford and London.

God in His wisdom made the fly
And then forgot to tell us why.
~Ogden Nash, "The Fly"

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