Monday, November 29, 2010

Work in progress and the white stuff.......

Snow in November, apparently something quite unusual. For this child of Africa returning to the land of my fathers, the past couple of winters have proved quite an experience. We awoke this morning to a carpeting of snow and it has been falling on and off all day.  A view of the road outside our house this morning.
The frost had made all my precious fuschia plants look very sad so they have been moved into the glass greenhouse. With the aid of a little paraffin heater they will hopefully survive the winter. Although the remains of the vegetable garden are looking somewhat jaded, cleaning up is work to be kept for a slightly warmer day.
The bird feeders are emptying rapidly with food obviously hard to find, we even had a pretty jay in the garden. Apparently secretive birds it is the first time we have seen this welcome visitor. A sparrow hawk finds the birds easy prey and has twice taken birds from the garden, not nice to see but nature is not always very kind.
Once again I have a selection of bears waiting to be dressed or trimmed. Trying to complete my Christmas creation and then some bears for various shows and e-bay. Some knitted cardigans to make and lots of stitching to do.
Austin is flying home today for two weeks R&R (rest and recuperation) arriving some time later this afternoon. After several dusty and warm months in Afghanistan I am sure he will welcome a change in scenery. Unfortunately he will not be home for Christmas so we will have to arrange an early celebration dinner.
Now back to work those bears (and snowman) are waiting.
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.  ~Joyce Brothers

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